No nieje čarovná?! :) Isn´t she lovely?! ;)
My proste MUSIME fotit AJ svoje "bačkúrky"! Problem?! :D We just HAVE TO snap our shoeeezz! :)
Po zdolaní 515105130594606 schodov a kopcov takým naším tempom, že dostaň sa hore čo najskôr! :D / After getting through 515105130594606 stairs and hills while keeping our get up there as freaking fast as possible tempo ON. :D
a potom urob SELFIE! / And then take a SELFIE!
Nahoď pózu! Strike a POSE !
Niekto zbožňuje levadnulu! Viete kto?! / Someody loves lavender! Guess who! :D
Kto sa bojí výšok? Who is afraid of heights?
Oh a spomínala som ten západ slnka? Spomínala? hm.../ Oh and did I mention the sunset? Did I? hm...
No to nieje všetko! Už onedlho príde aj video :) And that is NOT all! There will be video up soon as well :)
Dúfam že sa máte skvelo a do ďalšieho článku- opatrujte sa a užívajte si!
I hope you are having a great time and until next post - keep safe and live your life to the fullest!
I hope you are having a great time and until next post - keep safe and live your life to the fullest!
DeniVev :*