
Monday's Rambling

Jednou z aktivít, ktoré zbožňujem, je prechádzanie sa. Túlanie sa po okolí a objavovanie nových zaujímavých miest, kde sa dá zašiť a relaxovať. Dnes som sa takto potulovala s Timi K a našli sme tooolko rozkošných domčekov, že UF! Aaa tiež sme stihli ten najkrajší západ slnka! Pochopiteľne som mala so sebou fotoaparát a ako jeden môj kamarát hovorí- musela som to VŠETKO nafotiť! Ale tentokrát mám dobru výhovorku: BOLO TO PRE VÁS! ;)
One of the activities I just LOVE is going for a walk. Walking around and finding new places to chill at. Today I wandered around with Timi and we found sooo many cute houses..Oh Myy! Aand we also made it just on time to see THE prettiest sunset eva! Obviously I did a lot of photos cause as my friend always tells me -I HAVE to photograph everything! But this time I had a good excuse: I DID IT FOR YOU GUYS! ;)

 No nieje čarovná?! :) Isn´t she lovely?! ;)
My proste MUSIME fotit AJ svoje "bačkúrky"! Problem?! :D We just HAVE TO snap our shoeeezz! :)
 Po zdolaní 515105130594606 schodov a kopcov takým naším tempom, že dostaň sa hore čo najskôr! :D / After getting through 515105130594606 stairs and hills while keeping our get up there as freaking fast as possible tempo ON. :D 
 a potom urob SELFIE! / And then take a SELFIE! 
Nahoď pózu! Strike a POSE ! 
Niekto zbožňuje levadnulu! Viete kto?! / Someody loves lavender! Guess who! :D
Kto sa bojí výšok? Who is afraid of heights? 
Oh a spomínala som ten západ slnka? Spomínala? hm.../ Oh and did I mention the sunset? Did I? hm...
 No to nieje všetko! Už onedlho príde aj video :) And that is NOT all!  There will be video up soon as well :) 
 Dúfam že sa máte skvelo a do ďalšieho článku- opatrujte sa a užívajte si!
I hope you are having a great time and until next post - keep safe and live your life to the fullest!
DeniVev :*


Summertime PhotoDiary

Hello beautiful faces!
how are you all doing?! Are you enjoying summer? Well this is what I have been up to lately....
 I AM IN LOVE with flowers...can you tell ?! :)
DeniVev :*


Buda and Pest Experience + Travel TIPS

Hello Lovely Faces!
Last weekend- me and a few of my besties - went for a girly chilled trip to Budapest(Hungary) and we did some fun stuff. I wanted to share and give you a few TIPS for traveling not only to Budapest but anywhere in the world.

Ahojte krásavci/vice! 
Cez víkend som sa vybrala na babský relaxačný výlet s kamoškami do Budapešti a bola to fakt sranda. A tiež mám pre vás niekoľko typov pre cestovanie, ktoré by som s vami chcela teraz trochu prebrať.

So lets just jump right in....
Tak sa na to rovno pusťme....

Our whole trip started by me finding probably THE best possible guest house/hostel ever! Basically I´ve been just browsing the net and somehow I found this guest house in the center of the city that cost us three 33€ per night(together) which is CRAZY. You would definitely not find anything more affordable then this was. We stayed at Zrinyi guesthouse that has a club inside as well, so if you are a party animal you ain´t have to go too far to find a good place to show off :)

Všetko to začalo tím, že som našla asi to najlepšie možné ubytovanie! Len tak som zabíjala čas na internete a našla som ubytovňu v centre mesta, ktorá nás tri vyšla na 33€ na noc a to dokopy, čo je naozaj šialené. Rozhodne nenájdete lepšie a cenovo výhodnejšie ubytovanie ako je toto. Ubytovali sme sa v Zrinyi Guesthouse, ktorý má na prízemí klub, čiže ak ste party zviera tak nemusíte ísť ďaleko aby ste našli miesto na žúr :)

Then I have a great TIP for you and it is not only for traveling to Budapest. Anywhere you go and you know that you are going to see different sightseeings that are pretty far away from each other- do not just walk. You´ll get tired too quick and you won´t feel so amazed about the beauty around you as you would if you were fresh. So make sure to check out what kind of public transport is available in the city and if possible buy a 24 hour ticket. That way whenever you feel tired you just hop on a bus/underground/trolley.

A teraz tu mám pre vás TIP a to nielen pre cestovanie po Budapešti. Kamkoľvek sa vyberiete a viete, že budete chcieť navštíviť rôzne pamiatky, ktoré sú od seba pomerne ďaleko- nechoďte pešo! Tak sa akurát zbytočne rýchlo unavíte a neužijete si krásu naokolo tak ako keď ste plný energie. Radšej si zistite aký typ hromadnej dopravy sa v meste prepravuje a využite ho. Tiež by som odporúčala kúpu 24 hodinových lístkov aby ste mohli naskočiť na autobus/električku/metro kedykoľvek. 
Then another pretty important thing while you are in another city.... We just don´t feel like caring about prices for food whilst traveling, but then we are all surprised when we get a bill.  Thats why me and my friends, we decided to have nice breakfast- like sandwich or so, through day we had just a little something we bought in a grocery store and then a nice dinner at restaurant. This way you ain´t spent too much on food but you stay full enough all day long. 

Ďalšia dôležitá vec pri cestovaní... Cenou jedla sa nám na dovolenke nechce zaoberať, no zakaždým sa prekvapíme, keď dostaneme účet. S kamarátkami sme to preto vymysleli takto- na raňajky sme si dali niečo malé a chutné (sendviče) a cez deň sme mali maličkosti z ranného nákupu v potravinách. No a večera v reštaurácii. Takto neskrachujete len kvôli jedlu no zostanete celý deň dostatočne najedený. 
And the last tip is about places you want to see or visit. I would really recommend reading about history background or a few interesting facts about the city or square or castles .... That way you may find a few more spots to go to or just ones you are at your "place of interest" you see what you read. Does that make sense?! :D

A posledný typ je ohľadom miest, ktoré chcete navštíviť. Odporúčam si pred cestovaní prečítať trochu histórie či zaujímavostí o mieste kam idete. Potom možno nájdete ďalšie zaujímavé miesta kam zaskočiť alebo proste ak budete pri napr. kostole, o ktorom ste čítali zrazu zbadáte to, čo ste čítali. Chápete?! :D

And that is all I have for you for today. I hope that these tips will actually help you. Until next time....keep safe and live your life to the fullest.
Tak to je na dnes všetko. Dúfam, že som vám aspoň trochu pomohla. A do ďalšieho postu... opatrujte sa a žite naplnooo.

DeniVev :*


OOTD: I wish I wore featuring Melissa

No Melissa isn´t any of my friends or relatives. Everyone who is at least a little bit into fashion knows what Melissa means or is. It is a cool and unique brand that makes cute plastic shoes either flats or also heels and sneakers. They are soooooo sweet and comfy. I am planning to buy a pair soon so I thought I´ll make a few outfits of how I could wear them and style them and this happened.....
DeniVev :*