
They Know It

Hellooo!! :)
Today I felt like sharing a few of my celebrity fashion crushes with you. This way I want to show you how easy it can be to look great, fashionable and chic just by wearing a few simple basic clothing pieces.
Most of these celebrities are really wearing only pieces that we all should have in our closet so I hope that after this post non of us would stand in front of our wardrobe thinking: "I have NOTHING TO WEAR!", "This shirt is too simple...", "These jeans don´t go with those heels" oooor anything else.

 Anne Hathaway
This is what I would describe as Parisian chic meets USA
 Ashley Tisdale
Ash is a typical California girl. She mixes girly, young and fresh style with a bit of edgy feel and it always works perfectly
 Barbara Palvin
Oh my favourite Hungarian giiirl ahah ;) I like how super easy and comfy her outfits are. Plus these are usually clothes you can find for prettty cheap
 Cara Delevigne
Our cray cray Cara. She ALWAYS surprises. But what I love the most about her is that she ain´t care about what others wear and if she is going to stand out or not- Cara wears what SHE feels good and herself in. All women wear gowns for red carpet? Well I am going to wear a blazer and pants...why not?! 
 Demi Lovato
She is a fan of a really small colour scale but it doesn´t mean that her outfits are anyway boring or simple... ladies feel inspired
 Elizabeth Olsen
MY queen of simplicity.... such a cute basic pieces as skinny bottoms, shirt, flat shoes and any amazing coat... and voila..CHIC
 Emma Watson
I would describe Emma as a girl that does not have a specific style. She likes to try new things and it always works. Just don´t be afraid and experiment a little!
 Julliane Hough
Who cares about how many times you wear one pair of shoes or a scarf, or a bag. You like it? Doesn it look good with those jeans and top you have in your closet for years?! Put it on and rock it! Simple yet pretty
 Lauren Conrad
Any outfit can look fantastic with a pair of wonderful shoes.
 Nikki Reed
If you are scared about what colours are good together...just put on simple one coloured outfit and add ONE piece that would stand out OR go for tone in tone - just as Nikki does
 Perrie Edwards
Less really IS more in most of the cases. You don´t have to wear tones of jewellery or accessories. If you put on one printed or patterned clothing piece you don´t need any other special details to look great
 Whitney Port
Queen of blazers, coats and cardigans. It is great to invest in these because if you choose the right one it can save any of your outfits .. basically

And this post is NOT only for women. I want to share a few of my fav fashionista-men with you so If your boyfriend, dad or brother thinks that he simply can´t look COOL- He is not right!!!
 Colton Haynes, Joe Jonas, Zac Efron and Ryan Gosling
There are a few things that -I think- every man should remember and try (if he didn´t already obviously!) . A pair of Ray Ben sunnies is kinda a must have for those sunny days. They suit almost everyone and they add a little something to every look. Don´t be afraid of denim and leather. Goes with everything and you will surely look handsome as never. And don´t be scared of patterns! Find something you like and in colours that you think that suit with your skin colour the most and .... there you gooo :) 

I hope that todays post DID help you. If not I hope that you at least appreciate those hot guys at the end :D Now do me a favour and don´t ever say that you don´t know what to wear, because you CAN create a WONDERFULL look with almost anything ! 

DeniVev :*


Beauty & the Cannes

We all know about film festival in Cannes. It is one of THE Events in this industry. And I personally love seeing all those beautiful gowns that celebrities wear. I would say that this and Oscars are my 2 favs.
So I just want to share a few of my favourites from this weeks festival. I hope you enjoy...
 As you can see, so far Blake Lively is my top. She always had an amazing style but lately... she caught my fashion part of heart and I can´t get enough of her.. ahhah
 I love how vintage and bling these dress are. And adding that red lipstick is like a cherry on top of a cake.
 Huuuuge skirts has never been my cup of tea, but I sooo wish I could get myself into these dress.
  I love blue colour, especially on blondies. And that little cheeky sheer is sooo ..yay! And that bling on top...

And yeah that is it for today. There will be hopefully more coming soon :)
DeniVev :*


Fight for yourself

Yes! Another emotional post is coming.
I am sure that many of you had already seen an audition of Bars and Melody at Britain´s got talent. They were rapping and singing sooo perfectly and emotionally. Boys made everyone to stand up and judges to press their Golden Buzzer! The theme of their performance was anti-bully!
Áno! Prichádza ďalší emocionálny článok. 
Som si istá, že už väčšina z Vás videla konkurz Barsa a Melodyho v Británia má talent. Chalani rapovali a spievali a to naozaj skvelo. Prinútili celú sálu ku standing-ovation a porotu k stlačeniu zlatého bzučiaka. Témou ich predstavenia bol boj proti šikane! 

I know it might sound like a total cliche for many of you. Some of you might feel like this subject is over-mentioned I guess, but it isn´t. No matter how much we all try as you can see there are ALWAYS kids and also in some cases adults being bullied. Is it ever gonna stop?! Who knows.
I personally had been through rough time and I have experience with bully. My case wasn´t as bad as many others, but still I know how others can feel. That is also reason why I tried to do something at our school to stop it. I know it was a success, because that topic is off since then. But there are millions other schools and organizations that should try to do something. We might NOT be able to bully once and for all, but we can at least try, right?! Just as I did!
Ano možno vám táto téma príde ako príliš spomínaná, no nie je. Je jedno ako veľmi sa snažíme a ako bojujeme aby sa tento problém vyriešil. Vidíte, že sa každý deň nájdu nové a nové obete. Skončí to niekedy? Kto vie.
Aj ja osobne som si šikanou prešla. Zažila som ťažké časy. Môj prípad našťastie nebol príliš vážny(teda podľa toho čo beriem za naozaj vážne), no rozhodne dokážem súcitiť s ostatnými. A aj to je dôvod prečo som sa pokúsila urobiť na našej škole zmenu. Usporiadala som akciu proti šikane a som rada, že sme sa od tej doby k tejto téme už nemuseli vracať. No stále je na svete milióny škôl, na ktorých by sa malo niečo čo najrýchlejšie zmeniť. Možno nebudeme schopný raz a navždy šikanu zničiť ale môžme sa o to predsa aspoň pokúsiť, nie? Tak ako som to spravila ja!

I am not writing this to make anyone feel bad or depressed. I want to motivate and inspire others to fight against such a social problems. You have someone around who is a victim of bully, racism or even sexism?!  Help them! Talk to them. Try to change their life. 
Nesnažím sa dostať vás do zlej alebo až depresívnej nálady. Vážne! Chcem iba motivovať a inšpirovať všetkých aby bojovali proti tomuto sociálnemu problému. Máš  v okolí niekoho, kto je obeťou šikany, rasizmu alebo možno sexizmu? Pomôž im! Porozprávaj sa s nimi. Pokús sa zmeniť ich život.

Are YOU a victim?! Find someone who you can talk to. There are people online who takes care of people like you. Just don´t do anything stupid. It isn´t over. You are strong enough to go through this. Or maybe you can find a hobby that you can put your rage to. What ever you do don´t forget to keep your chin up and never loose faith. Bright days would come and those who hurt you would be gone. You would never have to see them after all.  Be happy and survive! So many people before you had find a way out of this so don´t even try to make yourself feel weak! That is an ORDER! Ok?! ;)
Si obeťou?! Nájdi niekoho s kým sa o tom môžeš porozprávať. Aj na internete môžeš nájsť pomoc od ľudí, ktorý sú ako ty a prešli si tým istým. Hlavne neurob nič hlúpe. Život sa ti neskončil. Si dostatočne silná osobnosť. Možno nové hobby vďaka ktorému prídeš na iné myšlienky ti pomôže. Využi ho na ventilovanie toho hnevu a všetkých iných pocitov. Čokoľvek z toho spravíš hlavne hlavu hore a nestrácaj nádej. Prídu krajšie dni a tí, čo ťa ponižovali už v tvojom živote nebudú. Buď šťastný/á a prežiješ! Toľko ľudí si tím prešlo pred tebou a každý našiel spôsob ako ísť ďalej. Takže sa už nevyhováraj a nerob zo seba padavku! To je ROZKAZ! Ok?! ;)

Sooo.... keep safe, chin up, help others and come back next time ;)
Taaak.... opatruj sa, hlavu hore, pomáhaj druhým a zas sa vráť ;)

DeniVev :*


Say Something

Everything has its end. Sometimes we are happy about things getting to the end but in this case....
This week was one of the best ones I had through my high school life. It was my last week at school. EEEP! Now I only have an exams to do and I am done with HS. Yay!
Don´t get me wrong. I am happy to get out of there and experience the world and become an uni student, but there are sooo many memories connected to high school and especially to last 4 years of my life. So-yes, if anyone gave me the chance to relive them again I would. But this time I would enjoy them more. I would experience everything differently. Just as in the movie-About time- I would go back and relive it all.

Všetko sa raz skončí. Z niektorých koncov môžeme mať radosť no v tomto prípade....
tento týždeň bol mojím posledným na strednej škole. Bol to jeden z najlepších týždňov môjho stredoškolského života. Už ma čakajú len maturity a bude po všetkom. JUCHU
Teraz ma nepochopte zle! Vážne sa teším na zmenu školy a prostredia. Už sa neviem dočkať kedy budem hrdou vysokoškoláčkou a budem spoznávať nový život, no za posledné štyri roky som si vytvorila toľko spomienok a zažila som nespočetne výnimočných momentov za ktorými mi bude smutno. Takže ano- ak by mi niekto dal tú možnosť vrátiť sa v čase a prežiť to všetko znovu, súhlasila by som. Chcela by som to všetko prežiť znovu tak ako vo filme Čas na lásku. Každý okamih by som tentokrát vnímala inak a prežila by som ho naplno. 
Last four years changed me. Not only the way I look but also the way I think and behave. I learned how to push my bad characters and embrace the good once. I realized what I want to do with my life. I have met loads of amazing people and writing this sentence made me think about all of them and I really just got tears in my eyes.

Posledné 4 roky ma zmenili. Nielen fyzicky ale aj moje zmýšľanie a správanie. Naučila som sa potlačovať svoje zlé vlastnosti a podporiť tie dobré. Zistila som, čo od života chcem a kým chcem byť. Tiež som spoznala obrovské množstvo skvelých ľudí a pri pomyslení na tie krásne chvíle s nimi mám slzy v očiach.  
People say that your high school period is the best and also worst period of your life. And I have to agree with that. There are great things about it but also the once that just suck! But you have to learn that what ever seems terrible and tragic at that time, it is NOT that big deal. So if you are just going through HS or you are about to enter one, keep this in your mind and you´ll thank me later.

Ľudia vravia, že stredoškolské roky sú najlepšie no zároveň najhoršie roky v života. Nemohla by som s nimi viac súhlasiť. Človek zažije zábavu no zároveň takmer utrpenie. Zistila som a naučila som sa, že čokoľvek čo sa nám v tej dobe zdá ako totálna katastrofa, v skutočnosti nič neznamená. Takže ak si týmto obdobím prechádzate alebo si ešte len prejdete, tak si toto vždy pamätajte a neskôr mi poďakujete. 
I do know what I am talking about here. I have had really bad time at the beginning of my HS. I didn´t know where I belong or how I belong to. You know there are these terrible group things and you either belong to one of them or you are screwed. Well I mostly didn´t belong to any of them, but it did got better! It really did and I have some AMAZING friends now. So keep your chin up and don´t loose hope.

A naozaj viem o čom tu hovorím. Zo začiatku SŠ som prežívala strašné časy. Teda tak sa mi to aspoň zdalo. Nevedela som kam patrím a hlavne ku komu. Poznáte tie divné skupinky. Ak nepatríte aspoň do jednej z nich ste odpísaný. No ja som väčšinou nepatrila nikam. Všetko sa to však neskôr zlepšilo! Vážne! A potom som získala niekoľko skvelých priateľov. Takže hlavu hore a nestrácajte nádej. 
Through these 4 years I didn´t have only friends and family that stood by my side in those bad times. I always had my blog aaand I had music and art. I have always been calmer and more chilled after a few minutes at music or art lessons. And I can proudly say that I have finished 4 years of painting/art and I am about to finish musical school for second time (I play flute for 12 years now) aaand I am also about to finish a drama school. Wow...that makes me really proud of myself.

Počas týchto štyroch rokov, to neboli len priatelia a rodina, čo ma držali nad vodou. Vždy som tu mala aj blog aaa hudbu a umenie. Stačilo pár minút na hodinách hudby či kreslenie a hneď som sa cítila lepšie. A teraz môžem hrdo povedať, že som absolventka 4 ročného štúdia výtvarnej a za chvíľu už druhýkrát absolvujem hudobný odbor (už 12 rokov hrám na flautu) aaaaa tiež onedlho z absolvujem  dramatický odbor. WOW...fakt som na seba hrdá.
So just make sure you enjoy every bit of your life, because one day when you look back you´ll see everything from total different point of view and everything that seemed bad would seem funny and everything great would seem even better. Almost perfect. Just as my last four years full of fun, travelling and meeting new people.

Taaakže sa proste neustále bavte, pretože raz sa obzriete do svojej minulosti a budete ju vidieť z úplne inej perspektívy a to zlé sa bude zdať vtipné a to dobré bude skvelé. Takmer dokonalé. Presne ako moje posledné štyri roky plné zábavy, cestovania a stretávania nových ľudí.  
Now let me share with you what happened in last few days.....
As it is tradition at our school, me and my classmates, we made ourselves into these cray cray people and visited our teachers who we said goodbye to. While that we were singing and screaming so whole city knows that we are proud graduates. Does that make sense?! :D

A teraz sa s Vami chcem podeliť o to, čo sa dialo v posledných dňoch....
Ako je už na našej škole tradíciou, ja a moji spolužiaci, sme sa prezliekli za tieto šialené postavičky a šli sme sa rozlúčiť s našimi učiteľmi. Medzi návštevami sme po celom meste spievali a kričali aby si nás ľudia všimli a videli aký sme hrdý maturanti. 
And then two days ago we had a huge ceremony where we went to every class in our school singing this song - gaudeamus igitur- and that was basicly saying goodbye to everyone in our school. We had our families there and friends. We got loooads of flowers and choocolates. After the ceremony I went with my family back to our home and had a lunch. Then at night me and my classmated we met to have a lot of fun and we did :)

A pred dvoma dňami sme mali v škole veľkú slávnosť- rozlúčku. Prešli sme sa po všetkých triedach spievajúc gaudeaumus igitur a rozlúčili sme sa s celou školou. Všetci sme dostali strašne veľa kvetov a čokolád. Ja som sa potom odobrala s rodinou domov na obed. Večer sme sa zase streli so spolužiakmi aby sme sa ešte trochu zabavili. 
And that is it..... I don´t know what else to write so I don´t get emotional. Well.... until next time keep your head up and keep safe.

No už neviem čo viac napísať... Nechcem sa totiž ešte viac rozcitlivieť. Takže...do ďalšieho článku hlavu hore a opatrujte sa.

DeniVev :*


Pin it Up

Soooo.... From time to time I like to experiment with my make-up and hair. So I did a few days ago and I was pretty happy with my Pin Up 50´s  inspired look. I just simply want to share it with you... is that alright?! :)
 In case you are interested in step by step tutorial just let me know ;) and I will do a video on my YouTube channel soon....
Speaking of youtube channels and videos...this is the one I got my inspo from ...
DeniVev :*


Wear Thing ?!

"Wear thing" is a total translation of KIMONO, that became a huge hit and must have between all boho or edgy style lovers. There are loads of celebs and bloggers who got obsessed and wear kimonos everywhere.
And so did I ! Thats why I did a little research on stores where you can purchase them and also ways to style them.
I hope you will like them and DO give them a try. Because after a little time you will realize how easy it is to wear them and how comfortable they are.

Where to by them?! Easy! Almost everywhere but you obviously don´t want to spent billions on one, so I made a few categories for you to make it a bit easier....
 And then, It is that time of year when we are all bloody jealous of celebs dancing at Coachella and of the outfits they get to wear. But HEY we can go for a festival or concert as well and I prepared a few inspos for you to get ready to partyyyeehh.
 And at the end....here are a few outfits I made for a bit MORE inspo... :)

 So that is it! I hope you did got some inspiration. If not..well...sorry and let me know what you think in the comments bellow :)
DeniVev :*