
10 things in 10 years

10 years. How can I possibly put into words the impact of this blog on my life? A lot of people might think, that it is no biggy. So you write this little blog and now and again people read it. But the truth is, that without this space, I might not be who I am and where I am today. And I am not over dramatizing. I feel so grateful to my mini me, for starting this as I have learned a lot over the years. From design and way of writing, to who I am and what my thoughts are on certain topics.
And so it came to me, that maybe the best way to explain what DeniVev did for me is to write it out for you.
So here are 10 things I learned over the last 10 years. And yes a lot of them happened thanks to the blog or have been documented here.

1) Becoming more then bilingual. Back in 2010 I decided to really dig into studying English language. Wanted to make sure I perfect it as much as possible and relatively fast. The radio I listened to, movies and shows I watched has all been in English. Read all the books I could and also decided to create DeniVev. I just knew that living in a bubble full of this language would help me. Later on I started writing everything on here in English too. Practicing my writing and grammar helped massively. Next thing you know I get an A from English A-levels, not to be cocky but this was the only subject I didnt even study for, but that is how confident I became with it. All thanks to a late night decision to really dig into it. I knew I could do it and that it will become a huge part of me and also help in my future. Which I was clearly right about.

2) Finding people with same interests as you is key. In 2011 I had a chance to be a part of a school project that connected students from I think 5 different countries. Visited some of their schools and gained loads of new friends. With whom I stayed connected for a long time and learned about different countries and cultures. Being able to talk to them so easily gave me a confidence to reach out to some bloggers and youtubers from around the world. This kind of networking helped me realize I wanted something different from life. Traveling, discovering and meeting interesting people. This was something my friends from school didnt necessarily dream about just yet. But others did and I used blogging community to find people who understood me.

3) Gaining strong work ethic. I only realized a few years ago that I have been learning to work hard on myself and for myself since a pretty young age. My parents and the wide variety of my interests kept me super busy. I had school 5 days a week of course and after school classes pretty much every day. My days would start with alarm at 6:30 and I wouldn’ t come back home till 7 or 8 that evening. Art, music, drama, English and more kept me going all day every day. That is how I learned to always be on time (had to manage my own time between school and after school classes), organizing everything for myself (with everything I had going on plus wanting to keep writing on here I always tried to stick to my little schedule) and later on as I turned 15 I was able to get summer jobs. Started earning money for myself and learning a new set of responsibility. I remember always dreading the work load I put on myself when I was younger, but now I am realizing that it became a habit of mine. I love to work and I need to work to stay sane. That might be why I am finding this quarantine so difficult.

4) I always loved photography. There is just something about capturing a perfect moment. The right light, situation, someones smile or colors around us. When I was 14 I really got into being in front and behind the camera. I became friends with a girl from my school who was just learning photography herself. Now she is one of most wanted professionals where we’ re from. She made me feel so comfortable and confident while having my pictures taken. I was also able to learn some things from her which made me love this form of art even more.

5) How can you ever make such decisions? 2014 brought some seriously tough time for me. I was finishing high school, applying for universities, deciding what to do as at that point they tell you that it is the most important decision of your life. Now yes it might be for some. To me it just felt so hard to decide as deep down I knew that everything I want to do in life, can be achieved even without education. I had a chance to move to England which was a bit of a life goal of mine. And that actually made things even tougher. All I wanted was to continue blogging and vlogging as at this point I started doing pretty well and building a nice audience. I wanted to experience English life, get to know new people, see other ways of living and maybe explore where DeniVev could take me. That wasn’ t something people around me understood. So I learned to just do what I thought would be best for me. And years later I still think it was the best decision I could have made. So next time, when you are having to make a decision about education or career or perhaps moving abroad, think for yourself. What would you want to do, where would that lead you and could you see yourself working hard enough for that goal to actually happen. That is what I ask myself every time I face a change or opportunity in my life.

6) Sometime we forget to live in a moment. With all the changes that were happening to me I had to tell myself almost every day to just take a deep breath and enjoy every moment. Last few months of summer with friends, moving, starting fresh, panicking, interviews, school research, meeting new people etc. I over thought everything so easily that I tried to just take every moment in and if there was something to learn from it, I tried to do that. I tried jobs that I knew wouldn't be a career for me but I wanted to get some new skills from it. I went to events that at first freaked me out, but I ended up enjoying them. Met cool people I talk to till today, gained skills I didnt even know I would use in my job now and experienced so much that my grandkids will have years of stories from me. All thanks to taking every opportunity, enjoying it, living in that moment and knowing when I gained all I could from certain experience.

7) Grow some balls. Take that jump. I decided to study hairdressing which meant that I swapped a hobby for a career move. Risk? Yes. Was I scared? Yes. Did I still do it? Hell yes. I always felt that a certain job, workshop or uni course doesn’ t have to change your whole life or dictate what way it will go. It can just be something you enjoy for a while or something that will pay your bills right now. You don’ t have to do it for rest of your life. You just need to grow some balls, try it out and if it isn’ t for you, well at least you learned something. But what if you change your mind. What if it becomes something that will be a part of you. You never know until you try. I tried a lot of stuff and now I am more confident and yes, ballsy thanks to that.

8) Making friends or even dating is hard these days. I moved to a new country. Did not know a soul (other then my dad) here and felt lost. My social life was nonexistent for first few months. I mean how do you make friends at 18 and in new country? That is where I learned that the modern day and age is pretty sick. Finding people online that live close by, have similar interests or maybe you have a mutual connection is so easy thanks to social media. Same goes for dating. Don’ t be afraid to message people and ask them out for a coffee. They might be just as afraid or shy as you. Some of my best friends today have been online friends of mine.

9) Don’ t give up. Sentence I pretty much tell myself every day. I finally have a job I love. I have a great life and even greater dreams. But few years ago my job was just a dream and I made it this far. So I try to remind myself to just keep going. Nothing comes easy or fast. At times I feel like giving up but that always passes by. So now whenever I feel down about something in my life I just tell myself that it will get better, I will become stronger and I will get closer to my goal. The sooner you learn to just trust yourself and not giving up, the easier your life will feel.

10) You never stop learning. This is a general statement. Meaning, I believe that we should always try to better ourselves. I like to constantly look for some new skills to add under my belt. Knowledge to add to my profession, learning bout business, I am trying to better my makeup and photography skills, better myself and ways I behave or react to things. Etc. In my opinion you can always add to who you are and be ‘better’ then you were yesterday.

There is obviously so much more that I discovered about myself and learned along the way. But these are probably the basic 10 that helped me. Never giving up, always educating myself, working hard, staying creative, positive, in the moment and finding people who understand at least a part of you.
Would you like to know some more about me? Is there anything you would like me to talk about?
Let me know

Until next time

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