
Bronzing Body

As we are all staying home (well at least most of us, big respect to key workers) there are many activities we are giving a go. I personally have been doing a lot of filming for my hair instagram, sawing, photographing, going for walks, baking and cooking. Which might be a normal daily life for others but I keep myself super busy with work and dont even have time for nice home cooked meals. That is why I take my time with these activities now that nature decided to give us special at home days. 

Last week has been beautiful and sunny so I grabbed this opportunity and recharge myself. Most of the days I spent outdoors, either in park or preferably in my backyard. Letting those sun raise warm me up and give me a little tan. 
Main thing for me in this process is skin care though. Making sure I don' t get redness and burn, dry out my skin or any skin problems. I found 2 products that really seem to work for me and I am happy with. These are body products only. My face skin routine is a little more complicated, so today I will share only 2 body products I would recommend. 
Also both of them are super easy to purchase even now in the essential stores and very affordable. 

So my tanning skin care comes in 2 steps. Pre and Post. I don' t like the idea of unnecessarily enhancing the tanning by using oils or creams to get quicker tan. I prefer slow process and protection. Luckily I don' t burn (as long as I don't spend all day long on bright sunlight) and my skin goes bronze pretty quickly. That is why this Malibu 15SPF Oil is perfect. Spreads on my skin pretty well, gives you little glow, fragrance is beautiful but not overly strong and seems to do the job. Even if my skin looks little red right after a little backyard session, by the time morning comes redness is gone. If you tend to burn quicker or not at all, this brand also offers oils for this case too. Also, yes I chose an oil instead of cream. Over the years of living in Slovakia and experiencing crazy hot summers, I learned that oil spreads on my skin much better and leaves it feeling less sticky then any cream. 

Even though my skin isn' t feeling overly sticky, the sweat drops do bother me, so I enjoy a nice luke warm shower right as I get back into the house. Soothes and cools down my skin and obviously gets rid of any product or 'dirt' as a shower does. Afterwards comes my Post tanning product. Body lotion. Now yes the product does say it is for nails and hands as it is enriched with keratin. But I tried to use it on my whole body few weeks ago as it specifies that the product is non sticky. Which is truly my biggest pet peeve in any cream products. The feeling makes me crave shower which goes against its purpose in a way. And Vaseline Intensive care cream does that for me. It really leaves me without the sticky feeling, skin feels soft and moisturized. Little product goes relatively long way and even my nails are feeling stronger. So I guess two birds with one stone.

Over all my skin is looking and feeling great. I feel like these two simple steps and products are really working for me. So in case you have a similar skin to me and get a chance to lay in the sun, why not give it a shot. Personally I feel a little better with more color in my face and body so this process actually makes me feel real positive. 

Stay safe and positive
Until next time

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